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  16  17  18  19  20  21  22   
out url icon Recercat Socioeconomic status determines floristic patterns in suburban domestic gardens: implications for water use and alien plant dispersal in the Mediterranean context Padullés Cubino, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs 23 juliol 2015 Socioeconomic status determines floristic patterns in suburban domestic gardens: implications for water use and alien plant dispersal in the Mediterranean context Padullés Cubino, Josep
out url icon Recercat Specific archaeal communities are selected on the root surfaces of ruppia spp. and phragmites australis Llirós Dupré, Marc ; Trias Mansilla, Rosalia ; Borrego i Moré, Carles ; Bañeras Vives, Lluís
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Specific archaeal communities are selected on the root surfaces of ruppia spp. and phragmites australis Llirós Dupré, Marc ; Trias Mansilla, Rosalia ; Borrego i Moré, Carles ; Bañeras Vives, Lluís
out url icon Recercat The spreading of the introduced seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh in the Mediterranean Sea: testing the boat transportation hypothesis Sant, N. ; Delgado, O. ; Rodríguez Prieto, Concepció ; Ballesteros i Segarra, Enric
doc icon DUGiDocs 1996 The spreading of the introduced seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh in the Mediterranean Sea: testing the boat transportation hypothesis Sant, Natàlia ; Delgado, O. ; Rodríguez Prieto, Concepció ; Ballesteros i Sagarra, Enric
out url icon Recercat A step forward in the management of multiple wastewater streams by using an ant colony optimization-based method with bounded pheromone Verdaguer Planas, Marta ; Clara i Lloret, Narcís ; Monclús Sales, Hèctor ; Poch, Manuel
doc icon DUGiDocs 18 juny 2016 A step forward in the management of multiple wastewater streams by using an ant colony optimization-based method with bounded pheromone Verdaguer Planas, Marta ; Clara i Lloret, Narcís ; Monclús Sales, Hèctor ; Poch, Manuel
doc icon DUGiDocs 24 juliol 2014 Strategies for the production of cationic α-helical antimicrobial peptides in plant biofactories Company Casadevall, Núria
out url icon Recercat Strategies for the production of cationic α-helical antimicrobial peptides in plant biofactories Company Casadevall, Núria
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2017 Study of the influence of different enzymatic treatments of flax on fiber composition Valls Calm, Guillem
doc icon DUGiDocs 2011 The suitability of steam exploded vitis vinifera and alkaline lignin for the manufacture of fiberboard Mancera, Camilo ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Ferrando, Francesc ; Salvado, Joan
out url icon Recercat The suitability of steam exploded vitis vinifera and alkaline lignin for the manufacture of fiberboard Mancera, Camilo ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Ferrando, Francesc ; Salvado, Joan
out url icon Recercat The suitability of steam exploded vitis vinifera and alkaline lignin for the manufacture of fiberboard Mancera, Camilo ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Ferrando, Francesc ; Salvado, Joan
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 The suitability of steam exploded vitis vinifera and alkaline lignin for the manufacture of fiberboard
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 The suitability of steam exploded vitis vinifera and alkaline lignin for the manufacture of fiberboard Mancera, Camilo ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Ferrando, Francesc ; Salvado, Joan
doc icon DUGiDocs 18 gener 2008 Synthesis and evaluation of cyclic cationic peptides as antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection Monroc, Sylvie
out url icon Recercat Synthesis and evaluation of cyclic cationic peptides as antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection Monroc, Sylvie
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2012 A Tool for optimum design of Waste Water Treatment Plants under uncertainty Altimir i Puigdemont, Josep
out url icon Recercat A Tool for optimum design of Waste Water Treatment Plants under uncertainty Altimir i Puigdemont, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs gener 2006 Tractament fisicoquímic de les aigües i fangs d’un escorxador porcí Anglada Roig, Marta
out url icon Recercat Tractament fisicoquímic de les aigües i fangs d’un escorxador porcí Anglada Roig, Marta
out url icon Recercat Using a detailed inventory of a large wastewater treatment plant to estimate the relative importance of construction to the overall environmental impacts Morera Carbonell, Sadurní ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rigola i Lapeña, Miquel ; Poch, Manuel ; Comas Matas, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat Using a detailed inventory of a large wastewater treatment plant to estimate the relative importance of construction to the overall environmental impacts Morera Carbonell, Sadurní ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rigola i Lapeña, Miquel ; Poch, Manuel ; Comas Matas, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat Using a detailed inventory of a large wastewater treatment plant to estimate the relative importance of construction to the overall environmental impacts Morera Carbonell, Sadurní ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rigola i Lapeña, Miquel ; Poch, Manuel ; Comas Matas, Joaquim
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